General NYSPA Webinars
Returning to work after COVID: Best practice guidelines
Recorded on 7/9/2021
Our guest: Dr. Joe Scroppo, JD, PhD
Join us for the first in a series of presentations and discussions to help grapple with the questions and concerns we are facing about going back to our in-office practices.
How should we prepare?
What do we need to know?
What is best and most safe for our patients and ourselves?
Dr. Scroppo, a forensic psychologist and Risk Management Consultant for the American Insurance Trust since 2012, has been key for NYSPA in guiding us through the challenges of dealing with practice issues through the COVID period. He is currently consulting with psychologist groups around the country about legal, regulatory, health and safety issues related to reopening clinical practices.
Webinar Recording Fee:
NYSPA Members: $15
Non-Members: $20
Click Here to Purchase/Download
Leveraging Your Expertise with Assessments in the Workplace- Eligible for 2 NYS CE Credits
Recorded on 5/22/2021
Available through 12/23/21
Our guests: Drs. Christine Allen, Taylere M. Markewich, and Mark Sirkin
A 2-hour virtual workshop presentation on how psychologists bring specific training and experiences to the practice of using assessments in the workplace for individual, team, and organization-wide interventions. Presenters will review
assessment tools they use in their own practice as consulting psychologists; these tools are typically given online rather than in-person. There will also be an exploration of how psychologists are at an advantage, due to their
training and expertise, compared to non-psychologists who use these tools to deliver similar services.
Webinar Recording Fee: $20
Click Here to Purchase/Download
Race, Class, and the Unconscious: Barrio Stories - Eligible for 2 NYS CE Credits
Recorded on 4/11/2021
Available through 12/23/21
Our guests: Drs. Patricia Gherovici, Chris Christian, and Rafael Javier
In contrast to many Latin American countries, where psychoanalysis is tied to social justice, in the United States psychoanalysis has been viewed as reserved for the well-to-do, thus heeding invisible but no less rigid class boundaries.
Challenging such discrimination, Patricia Gherovici and Chris Christian will shed light on the psychological complexities of life in the barrio that is often marked by poverty, migration, marginalization, and
barriers of language, class, and race. Two clinical cases will be presented to illustrate principles that have been expounded more extensively in their award-winning and highly acclaimed book, Psychoanalysis and the Barrios:
Race, Class, and the Unconscious. Rafael Javier, whose work has been essential in challenging many biases in the application of psychoanalysis to diverse populations, will be the respondent and moderator.
Webinar Recording Fee:
NYSPA Members: $20
Non-Members: $25
NYSPA Student Members: $10
Click Here to Purchase/Download
Starting a Private Practice - What Should I Know?
Recorded on 3/21/2021
Our guests: Drs. Bob Filewich, Barbara Kapetanakes, and Bill Pickner
This event is a lecture hosted by the Early Career Division to meet the needs of our members. The lecture will be hosted by Dr. Barbara Kapetanakes, who is bringing in a panel of experts, Dr. Bill Picker, and Dr. Bob Filewich, along
with herself, to discuss considerations for early career psychologists who are opening up a private practice. The lecture will review basic content relevant to starting a clinical practice, as well as provide an opportunity for
attendees to ask questions of more experienced clinicians.
Webinar Recording Fee: $5
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CE Town Hall
Recorded on 2/16/2021
An open dialog, discussion, and Q&A regarding the new CE law for psychologists and the details you need to know.
Moderator: Christine Allen, PhD, NYSPA President
- John Northman, PhD, ABPP, Chair, NYSPA Legislative Committee
- Rafael Javier, PhD, ABPP, Chair of the NYSPA legislative subcommittee engaged in drafting the CE legislation
- John Hogan, PhD, Chair of the NYSPA CE Committee engaged with CE programs
- Mitchell Slutzky, PhD, Member of the NYSPA CE Committee
- Jerold Grodin, PhD, NYSPA Director of Professional Affairs
Attendees share their questions and concerns. We are all in this together. You are part of NYSPA, and NYSPA is here to help all of us successfully navigate the new CE requirements.
Webinar Recording Fee: $15
Click Here to Purchase/Download
To Coach or Not to Coach: That IS the Question
Recorded on 12/12/2020
Our guests: Drs. Elvira Aletta, Chris Allen, Bruce Hammer, and Mark Sirkin.
Many psychologists are interested in the possibility of adding coaching to their practice. They have questions about distinctions between coaching and psychotherapy, how to build their coaching business, whether they should have a
separate website for their work as a coach. In this webinar, Drs. Elvira Aletta, Chris Allen, Bruce Hammer, and Mark Sirkin, who have each added coaching to their businesses, will talk about their paths to becoming coaches and
address many of these questions. Each will speak for 15 minutes and then there will be 30 minutes for Q&A. Please come prepared if possible to have your Zoom cameras on as we would like this webinar to be highly interactive.
Webinar Recording Fee: $10
Click Here to Purchase/Download
Training & Interviewing in a Virtual Reality: Discussing the “art” of Zoom, training during COVID-19, general interviewing tips, & more!
Recorded on 11/19/2020
Our guests: Drs. Chris Morrison, Amanda Spray, Stephanie Solow.
Webinar Recording Fee: Free
Click Here to View the Webinar for Free
Choosing Our Genes: The Ethics of CRISPR-ing The Human Genome
Recorded on 11/1/2020
Our guest: Dr. Josephine Johnston, Director of Research, The Hastings Center
We now have reliable tools to alter the genes of living and future persons. When should we use them? U.S. law currently allows for the development of gene editing treatments for people living with disease, but prohibits anything that would result in heritable changes (alternations to the human genome that can be passed from one generation to another). This law is fragile, however. It must be renewed annually and could easily change. When that happens, we will be thrust headlong into the unsettled ethics of where to draw the line between genetic diseases that should be eliminated and genetic differences that should be embraced. This debate, which has links to inhumane state-sponsored eugenics programs but also to medicine’s longstanding goal of relieving suffering, goes to the heart of what it means to be human. At this meeting, we will explore new genome editing technologies, discuss how they might be applied in humans, and consider their ethical and policy implications.
Webinar Recording Fee: $10
Click Here to Purchase/Download
Psychologists Supporting Psychologists Meeting:
To Explore CE Requirements Starting in 2021
Recorded on 11/5/2020
Our guests: Drs. John Hogan-Chair of CE Committee and Rafael Javier-Chair of the Legal Legislative subcommittee of the CE Committee and Tom Buchan, J.D. (Lobbyist).
As we are all aware, in January, 2021, CE credits will be required of all licensed psychologists in New York State. You will need to accrue 36 credits every three years. At our last meeting, attendees were asking: How will I be able to get my credits if my registration is due early in 2021. Who will provide CE's? Will CE's offered by APA and other venues be accepted by New York State? Other than taking CE's: Are there other ways of attaining CE credits (teaching, publishing papers in peer reviewed journals)? Can a member benefit of belonging to NYSPA be free CE's for attendance at NYSPA conferences, workshops and presentations? Another suggestion was could NYSPA membership offer 6 free credits each year as a member benefit? Drs. Hogan and Javier and their respective committee members (John Northman and Jerry Grodin) emailed each of you with the information concerning the upcoming CE requirement (see attached).
I know the CE committee has worked tirelessly with the State Department of Education and our lobbyist to develop our CE plan. We thank them for their efforts and work. Drs. Hogan and Javier and Tom Buchan J.D. have graciously agreed to join us in a meeting where they will describe the process of working out the details of this CE requirement. Also, they will answer many questions that you may have to prepare you for meeting your responsibility in the coming year. From this meeting, you may be able to make suggestions to the committee to consider in formulating the final steps of this process. SAVE THE DATE: Nov. 4th at 8 pm. In the meantime, if you have any questions you would like to ask Drs. Hogan and Javier and Tom Buchan J.D., please email me at This event is sponsored by the Clinical Division as part of Psychologists Supporting Psychologists effort. Attached are documents to review. There is one that is an abbreviated article.
Webinar Recording Fee: FREE
Click Here to View the Webinar for Free
Staying Organized at a Distance: Helping Students Build Skills for Organization, Time Management and Planning
Recorded on 10/21/2020
Featuring: Dr. Elana Spira
Dr. Elana Spira is a leading expert in executive functioning, organization, time management, and planning. In this webinar you will learn about executive functioning and it’s impact on organization. You will learn the skills necessary to help students to stay organized, manage their materials, manage their time, and plan in order to be successful during distance learning, in school learning, and beyond.
Webinar Recording Fee: $10
Click Here to Purchase/Download
NYSPA Panel: Addressing Racial Trauma
Recorded on 6/7/2020
Featuring: Maysa Akbar, PhD, Charmain F. Jackman, PhD, Kirkland C. Vaughans, PhD
Moderated by Daniel Kaplin, PhD
Recent events are a painful reminder that members of the Black community remain under attack in our society. The murder of George Floyd demonstrates that although time continues to pass, the deep-seated racism and hatred remains an ugly stain for our nation. In this webinar, the presenters will address some of their personal and professional experiences trying to address racial trauma. Dr. Vaughans and Akbar will discuss the psychological impact intergenerational transmission of trauma. In his book
The Psychology of Black Boys and Adolescents, Dr. Vaughan notes that the unresolved generational trauma among African-Americans, and black boys in particular, is a function of an unmourned original collective, historical trauma, as well as the episodic, persistent, terroristic, and oppressive social assault targeting the Black community at later periods in American history. Using her book,
Urban Trauma: A Legacy of Racism as a guide, Dr. Akbar will describe the characteristics of how these traumas impact the personality of members of the Black community. Dr. Jackman will emphasize the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion. She will reflect on the shared responsibility that all members of society have to address violence and racism. She will highlight the critical role that members of White communities have in stepping up, leaning in, and speaking out. After their presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and process their experiences around racial trauma.
Webinar Recording Fees:
NYSPA Members - $10
Non-Members - $20
Click Here to Purchase/Download
“From Instant Sex to Endless Courtship”
Gendered Shifts in Mobile Dating During a Global Pandemic
Recorded on 8/15/2020
Presented by LGBT Task Force
Featuring: Dr. Pani Farvid
We are living in surreal and unprecedented times. Due to the global COVID-19 crisis, in just a few weeks, the world as we know it, turned upside down. As various shelter-in-place orders were mandated, the way we work, shop, take care of loved ones and socialize altered overnight. Dating app use saw a major spike and new platforms like “OkZoomer” and “Quarantine Together” sprouted. While anecdotal and descriptive media pieces sought to map shifts in mobile dating during “lockdown”, very little is known about what’s been going on with single people during this time. In this presentation, I draw on an international survey on mobile dating during COVID-19 to explain the ways in which people of diverse ages, genders and sexual orientations engaged in mobile dating during social distancing. Findings indicate that while the number of matches and conversations escalated, the process of mobile dating slowed down – offering greater capacity for intimacy-making. At the same time, a specific pattern of gendered conduct was identified, with reports of a cluster of men immediately requesting sexting, online sex, or in person casual sex (from both gay men and straight women). The new specter of the pleasures and pains of this mode of technologically mediated intimacy will be explicated, paying attention to the ways in which experiences varied across the axes of gender, race and sexual identity. In particular, the escalation of straight men’s demands on women’s immediate sexual labor will be teased out, as well as the ways in which the pandemic is pushing the limits of emotional coping for some individuals. The implications of this for re/shaping intimate conduct in uncertain times will also be discussed.
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NYSPA Insurance Committee Webinars
Nuts and Bolts of Telehealth for Psychotherapy Practice
Recorded 3/27/20
Presented by Joe Scroppo, PhD
This was the first in a series of offerings from NYSPA's Insurance Committee. It is designed to provide fundamental and clear information about what you need to know in the clinical and regulatory
arenas to safely and effectively practice psychotherapy in New York using electronic communication services. In the regulatory sphere, the webinar covers relevant ethical, licensing board, and legal factors for telepsychology
practice. Clinical issues include factors in clinician competence, patient suitability for teletherapy, informed consent, insurance and payment matters, selection of electronic communication services, and crisis management. In
addition, this webinar addresses recent changes to federal and NY law in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.
Teletherapy in a Pandemic: Making Clinical Process Changes Work
Recorded 4/17/20
Presented by Todd Essig, PhD
This was the second in a series of offerings from NYSPA's Insurance Committee to address the challenges of both maintaining the capacity to work in a transformed clinical environment while delivering the quality of care we are trained
and committed to provide.
This presentation focuses on making the clinical process work: how to engage patients, and your own experience, to help facilitate meaningful clinical change when familiar clinical processes are reshaped by the absence of shared
physical presence. The webinar describes the clinical context of our emergency conversion to telehealth, including the clinical consequences of how technologically-mediated relationships work and how they differ from in person
communication. It then offers strategies for how to better understand and intervene in what we and our patients are experiencing.
Todd Essig, PhD has been studying and writing about telehealth for over 20 years. He’s a Training and Supervising psychoanalyst at the William Alanson White Institute and currently serves as co-Chair of APsaA’s COVID-19 response team.
Webinar Recording Fees:
NYSPA Members - Free
Non-Members - $25
Click Here to Purchase/Download
COVID-19 Financial Business Information for Psychologists
Recorded 4/30/2020
Presented by Jay L. Hack, Esq
Congress passed part 2 of the COVID-19 financial package aimed to assist small businesses impacted by the countrywide lockdown. Although psychologists have found ways to continue their vital work through remote services and other means,
many have nonetheless been impacted.
In fact, members have been asking questions about accessing the COVID-19 funding to support their practices. We are pleased to offer a session in which we will have an opportunity to hear from an expert for an overview about this issue
and have important questions answered including about eligibility, pros and cons of applying, what materials are needed, the application process and the crucial question of loan forgiveness. Although many applied, we wanted to
make sure that those of you who might still be interested and/or have additional questions about the process get the best information available, geared to psychologists.
Jay Hack is a partner at Gallet Dreyer and Berkey, LLP whose primary practice focus has been to provide a full range of legal services on financial matters. He has written extensively about the financial aspects of
the COVID Support Program and has provided on going assistance to banks, companies and individuals involved in the this monumental effort to support businesses. He is the former Chair of the Business Law Section of the NYS
Bar Association and was the Bar Association’s principal speaker at its SBA PPP Loan Program legal education seminar.
Webinar Recording Fees:
NYSPA Members - Free
Non-Members - $25
Click Here to Purchase/Download
Back to the Future: Reopening Our In-Person Practices
Recorded 6/12/2020
Presented by Todd Essig, PhD, Alan Hack, PhD, and Joe Scroppo, PhD
This webinar was designed to help us weigh options for continuing our clinical work in the age of this pandemic. Hear from our stellar NYSPA experts
Joe Scroppo, JD, PhD
Todd Essig, PhD on the legal, ethical, and clinical issues that must be understood and considered and get to ask them questions. Then join us for an extended Q&A/discussion/comment period - an opportunity to raise and share issues of concern, confusion, and interest about this important step - facilitated by NYSPA Past-President
Alan Hack, PhD and members of the NYSPA Insurance Committee.
Click here
to download the PPT presentation by Todd Essig, PhD for free.
Webinar Recording Fees:
NYSPA Members - $20
Non-Members - $35
Click Here to Purchase/Download
NYSPA Division Webinars
Psychologists Supporting Psychologist: Duty to Warn Regarding the Spreading of Covid of Patients in Treatment
Recorded on 8/28/2020
Sponsored by the Clinical Division
Moderated by:
Patricia Pitta Ph.D., ABPP-Board Certified Couple and Family Psychologist in practice in Manhasset, Long Island.
Guest Lawyer and Psychologist:
Bruce Hillowe J.D., Ph.D-Lawyer and Psychologist practicing to help Psychologists with their legal questions and issues.
Listen to question and answer period around issues of Duty to Warn in regards to working with a client who has Covid and intentionally shares this infection with others without their knowledge. The first fifteen minutes will be Dr. Pitta formulating with psychologists questions for Bruce and the last 30 minutes will be answers to questions.
View the recording here.
Disaster Resource Network (DRN) Training Modules
Please note that all DRN Training Modules are free and only available for NYSPA members. Click here to become a NYSPA member.
Below are recordings to previous DRN Training Modules.
Click Here to Download DRN Webinar: The Nuts and Bolts of Being a DRN Provider - Recorded 7/6/2020
Click Here to Download DRN Training Module 1 - Recorded 4/26/20
Intro to the Neurobiology of Trauma and Somatic Applications
Click Here to Download DRN Training Module 2 - Recorded 5/3/20
Tools for Emotional First Aid: Grounding, Resourcing, and Somatic Imagery in Trauma Healing
Click Here to Download DRN Training Module 3 - Recorded 5/31/20
Understanding the Various Types of Trauma
Click Here to Download DRN Training Module 4 - Recorded 6/7/20
Working with Diverse Populations
Click Here to Download DRN Training Module 5 - Recorded 6/14/20
Grief, Trauma and Loss in the Workplace: What Employers and Organizations Can Do to Support Their Work Force
Click Here to Download DRN Training Module 6 - Recorded 6/28/20
Children and Trauma: Creating Safety and Security Through Somatic Interventions
Click Here to Download DRN Training Module
- Recorded 9/27/20
‘No one...transcends the need for human contact’: Group psychotherapy in Psychological Trauma disaster response
Click Here to Download DRN Training Module 9 - Recorded 11/15/20
Covid-19, Trauma, and the Family: An Integrated Systems Perspective
Click Here to Download DRN Training Module 10
Recorded 12/6/20
Trauma Healing: Putting the Pieces Together