NYSPA offers as a membership benefit use of NYSPA’s interactive, electronic mail listservs. This is a benefit available automatically to all NYSPA members in good standing. The goal of the listserv is to promote communication among members
of NYSPA on a variety of topics pertinent to psychologists.
These policies and procedures encompass APA listservs made available to The New York State Psychological Association (NYSPA) and NYSPA’s independently maintain listservs made available through NYSPA.
Reference to NYSPA applies to the Association as an entity, encompassing its divisions, committees, task forces.
NYSPA listservs may be utilized for the following types of discussion:
- General advice from other members about psychological topics, areas and issues.
- Questions about business of practice building and maintenance (with the exception of service fees).
- Discussion regarding research, publications & issues pertinent to psychological research & practice.
- Inquiries for information about where to refer clients or requests for referrals.
- Notices of meetings of NYSPA.
- Programming and events of NYSPA.
- Information regarding the Foundation of NYSPA and NYSPA PAC.
Use of NYSPA’s listservs are strictly limited to NYSPA members in good standing. Members who allow their NYSPA membership to lapse will be unsubscribed until membership is reinstated. As participation on the listservs is a
valuable member benefit, messages may not be sent on behalf of others who are non-members. NYSPA members are prohibited from forwarding any NYSPA listserv messages to anyone who is not a current NYSPA listserv participant,
unless the author of the listserv message gave their permission. The listserv address must be removed from forwarded messages.
To unsubscribe at any time from the general listserv, send an e-mail message to listserv@lists.apaservices.org with SIGNOFF NYSPA in the body of the message. Do
not type anything in the subject line of the message. To temporarily leave the list, you may edit your subscription options through the online interface, described under Tools & Options.
To unsubscribe from a division or committee listserv, email nyspa@nyspa.org with your request. Include the name of the division or committee.
To submit a post, create an email message, and address and send it to NYSPA@LISTS.APASERVICES.ORG, or to the list address of the appropriate division/committee. Do not Cc or
Bcc any other email addresses. Doing so often causes messages to not go through properly, and listserv messages should not be sent to non-NYSPA members or non-listserv subscribed individuals.
The general listserv Web Interface can be used to search/review archives of all messages posted to the list, change personal user settings, and download attachments. If you are having problems receiving messages from the general
listserv (or are unsure if your message has been received), it can be helpful to check the archives. The Web Interface is located at https://lists.apapractice.org/cgi-bin/wa-apasi.exe.
First time visitors will need to create a login name and password. A list of commands/options can be obtained by sending a message to listserv@lists.apa.org with the words INFO
REFCARD in the body of the message (do not type anything in the subject line of the message).
General listserv users who prefer to receive all the list messages in a single email can enable digest option by sending an e-mail to LISTSERV@LISTS.APASERVICES.ORG with
SET NYSPA DIGEST in the body of the message. The digest version is sent at midnight and contains the full text of all messages sent for that day.
To be valuable to all members, good professional judgment is necessary for successful listservs. To protect the image, reputation, and interests of the Association, NYSPA has created several rules regulating the use of the
NYSPA reserves the right to deny access without notice to a member who violates one or more of these rules, and reserves the right to remove any postings which it concludes, in its sole discretion, are inappropriate. Participants are expected to read
this document and adhere to the policies contained herein. The reason is to protect the Association, our members, and to foster constructive communication.
- Only NYSPA, NYSPA Foundation and APA events may be posted on NYSPA's listservs. Events of other organizations may not be posted on NYSPA listservs.
- Individuals or organizations may not use NYSPA listservs for commercial purposes. This is construed to include, but is not limited to, the advertising of products or services, the seeking or offering of employment, office
space, supervision or educational opportunities. Inquiries about doubtful issues may be sent to the Executive Director.
- Differences of opinion are encouraged as long as discussion is aired in a courteous and respectful manner. Personal attacks on, or derogatory comments about fellow members are prohibited.
- Unauthorized distribution of copy written material is prohibited.
- Criticism of the NYSPA Office staff is not allowed. Complaints regarding office employees should be directed to the Executive Director. Complaints regarding the Executive Director should be sent to the NYSPA President.
- Any postings, including jokes or comments intended as humor or satire, which denigrate, show hostility or aversion towards or are otherwise offensive to an individual’s sex, race, color, religion or creed, pregnancy, sexual
or affectional orientation (i.e., preference in sexual or social partner), marital or family status, age, ancestry or national origin, military service or status, disability or handicap, are all strictly prohibited.
- Statements regarding political views and social issues are permitted when related to NYSPA’s mission. Messages requesting others to advocate for issues that are not on NYSPA’s agenda are not to be placed on NYSPA’s listservs,
no matter how worthy the cause.
- Personal reflections upon other members, no matter how serious their differences over policy questions, is prohibited. Common courtesy and respect, which excludes personal attacks or criticism, must be observed.
- Release of otherwise confidential information is prohibited.
- Messages may not be forwarded to or shared with people outside of NYSPA since the listserv is a member benefit. Members need to know they can express themselves freely.
- Discussion regarding setting or establishing fees for service (e.g., how much do you charge per hour?) is expressly prohibited, pursuant to federal law.
- Per IRS rules, use of the listservs to promote candidacy for affiliate or state level leadership roles is prohibited. Likewise, endorsements of candidates for local, state or federal offices or positions are prohibited.
- Personal responses, “pass along,” issues off topic to psychology, general “thank you’s”, and private comments to an author should be made back-channeled directly to them to reduce “clutter.”
- There will be no postings of virus or worm warnings or chain letters even if they purport to support worthy causes.
- All participants must strive to keep their virus protection programs current.
- Remember that once you hit “Send” your message is memorialized and cannot be retracted. Try not to send anything that you will/may regret in the morning.
Failure to adhere to the rules may result in your removal from the list. The process for removal from the list is as follows:
A warning will usually be sent to the violator with a reminder of the rules and explanation of the violation.
- In the case of a second warning, the Listserv Committee or Executive Director will usually inform the violator of the nature of the violations and will indicate that a third violation will result in suspension from the
forum for six months.
- In the case of a third violation, the person may be suspended from the list for six months.
- After a person has been suspended from a forum for six months they may be eligible to resubscribe. A request to re-join a listserv may be submitted to the Listserv Committee or Executive Director. Reapplication does not
guarantee immediate reinstatement. If reinstated, prior offenses will be disregarded and the violation procedure will start again. If not reinstated, the rationale for the decision will be sent to the member. Decisions
not to reinstate a member shall be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee prior to notification to the member.
In egregious cases that break laws, APA’s Ethical Code of Conduct, or NYSPA policies,
the Listserv Committee or Executive Director, in the sole exercise of its discretion, can immediately suspend the violator without following the disciplinary steps listed above.
- NYSPA assumes no responsibility for the content of the messages posted to its listservs. The thoughts, opinions, and positions expressed on the listservs are solely those of the individual authors and are not endorsed by
NYSPA, its Council of Representatives, or Executive Director. NYSPA assumes no liability for any libelous, misleading, inaccurate or otherwise improper information; all responsibility and liability for the content of
a message rest with its author.
- Participation on NYSPA listservs is a privilege and NYSPA retains the right to deny access to a member who violates the policies contained herein at any time.
- Members hold harmless and indemnify NYSPA, its Council of Representatives, Executive Director, and all its other agents and representatives, from and against any claims, complaints, or causes of action for any damages,
losses or expenses which arise out of, or are related to, either directly or indirectly: (1) any libelous, misleading, inaccurate or other improper comments a member posts; (2) those that are posted about members by
anyone else; and (3) any other use of the NYSPA listserv by members.
- Members bear responsibility for keeping e-mail addresses current with the NYSPA Central Office. The NYSPA Central Office is not responsible for tracking this information.