Legislative Initiatives |
Legislative Initiatives
STATE AND FEDERAL ADVOCACYState AdvocacyLegislative Priorities NYSPA's NYS legislative priorities are lead by the NYSPA Legislative Committee (L/C), which is the "political arm" of NYSPA. The primary purpose of the L/C is to seek enactment of legislation favorable to psychology and block legislative initiatives unfavorable to the profession. By working directly with governmental units responsible for implementing laws, the L/C also seeks to bring about changes in policy through regulations. The L/C works directly in collaboration with the NYSPA lobbyist. Click here for more information about the NYSPA Legislative Committee.
Click Here to View the 2016 Legislative Priorities
PLLC: Allowing psychologists to own practices with medical doctors Currently, psychologists can own their own practices, but if they want to create an ownership structure with a medical doctor (i.e. psychiatrist, general practitioner), they must only serve as an employee of the medical doctor. This bill would expand the structures of PLLC to allow a joint ownership; integrating healthcare and increasing access to care for patients.
Psychologists can currently prescribe psychotropic medications in Louisiana, New Mexico, Illinois and in the United State Military. This bill would increase access to care considering the lack of psychiatrists, and the fact that many are not accepting new patients or insurance.
Ensuring psychologists are protected from any type of retaliation or receive immunity from breach of confidentiality if their professional opinion convinces them that authorities should be contacted on behalf of a patient. Duty to Protect Position Paper
With the new healthcare exchanges, out of network benefits have been disappearing Out-of-Network Benefits Position Paper
NYSPA Lobby Day NYSPA's Lobby Day & Legislative Conference is a two day program that provides legislative training and toolkits for NYSPA members in preparation for face-to-face meetings with NYS legislators about issues important to psychology and the people we serve. Local legislators need psychologist’s honest and direct communication and expertise regarding mental health issues. NYSPA members' input to familiarize legislators with psychological concerns makes a difference in presenting legislative agendas that benefit the psychological profession.
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Federal AdvocacyCurrent Federal Advocacy Topics
Q&A on Federal Parity (October 2008). Federal Health Parity Consumer Information Sheet (September 2009) An Employers Guide to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (September 2009) Medicare reimbursement for psychologists that was cut by the CMS “Five Year Review” is discussed in “Congress Should Protect Medicare Mental Health Payment.” As you recall, Congress last July passed legislation to restore monies cut from psychotherapy reimbursements in 2007, but that fix lasts only until December 2009. We will ask Congress to extend this restoration and also make psychologists eligible to be paid for Evaluation and Management codes. The fact sheet also calls for replacing the “SGR” payment formula (through which a 20% cut in Part B looms in January), and adding psychologists to the Medicare definition of physician. Evaluation and management codes are explained in the fact sheet updated from last year, “Medicare Should Reimburse Psychologists for Evaluation and Management Services Provided to Patients.” With the Obama Administration prioritizing health care reform, we begin our advocacy with “Fully Integrate Mental Health Services in Health Care Reform.” This builds on the success of last year’s mental health parity law, by arguing that psychologists and psychological services should be included in every facet of reform. We also elaborate on the role of psychologists in the health system with the fact sheet, “Health Care Reform: Congress Should Ensure that Psychologists’ Services are Key in Primary Care Initiatives.” Senate Passes HITECH Act with Privacy Protections The House also passed the HITECH Act as part of its economic stimulus package on January 28th. The House and Senate health information technology (HIT) measures are largely the same with relatively minor differences, which the two chambers are expected to reconcile in the next week or so. Importantly, in last minute negotiations APAPO succeeded in getting sensitive mental health testing records included in the current HIPAA Privacy Rule "psychotherapy notes" authorization requirement. This inclusion means that testing records will be afforded the same protection as psychotherapy notes both in the current HIPAA law and as the law applies in the developing electronic records system as a whole. APAPO will seek inclusion of this important provision in the final law. As mentioned, the HITECH Act has comprehensive privacy protections. When enacted the HITECH Act will:
DISTRESSED CONSTITUENCY TRAININGConstituents contact their government officials for many reasons. When constituents feel they have been treated unfairly they look to you for understanding and to address their concerns. Other times a constituent just wants to meet you, especially if you are the constituent’s elected official. In these situations constituents usually know what they want and the communication is generally uncomplicated. On some occasions, however, constituents may be distressed and can create difficulties for you or your staff. How you respond to an individual constituent who is distressed - whether mildly or more intensely upset - can make the difference between a communication in which a distressed constituent walks away feeling angry, bruised or hurt and one in which the constituent feels understood, heard and helped. In an effort to assist our state and local law makers with these challenges, The New York State Psychological Association (NYSPA) offers this guide and a training for psychologist to assist their legislative representatives and their staff to communicate effectively with distressed constituents. We have also developed a training sessions for psychologists to be coached in the presentation, booklets and palm cards to be left with the staff and a coaching module for the trainers to use.
These items can be accessed at the links below: Dealing with Distressed Constituent Guide (pdf) Coaching Module (pdf) Coaching Module (recorded webinar) NYSPA PACNYSPA PAC is the only nonpartisan political action committee formed and governed by psychologists for the sole purpose of advancing our profession's political agenda in New York. NYSPA PAC is the vehicle informed psychologists utilize collectively to exert their influence, politically. NYSPA PAC collects voluntary contributions from psychologists all around our state and then distributes them to the campaigns of candidates for the New York State Legislature.
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To make a contribution by credit card or PayPal, click the yellow Donate button.
To make a contribution by check or money order, Click here Checks should be made out to "PLANY" and mailed to: NYSPA, 555 8th Avenue, Suite 1902, New York, NY 10018
Why do psychologists need a PAC? Why is a contribution through NYSPA PAC valuable? Why doesn't NYSPA use dues money support candidates? **IMPORTANT**
We are required to report whether each contribution is Personal or Corporate and if it is Corporate we are required to report the corporation name. We kindly ask that you please provide this information in the payment form, thank you!
To make a contribution by credit card or PayPal, click the yellow Donate button.
To make a contribution by check or money order, Click here Checks should be made out to "PLANY" and mailed to: NYSPA, 555 8th Avenue, Suite 1902, New York, NY 10018
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8/15/20242025 NYSPA Convention Room Block SOLD OUT
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4/15/2024NYSPA 2024 Elections: Call for Nominations
3/14/2024Announcing the 2024 Call for NYSPA Awards Nominations
11/10/2023NYSPA 2023 Election Results for 2024 Positions
10/24/2023NYSPA Statement on the Israel-Hamas War and Gaza Humanitarian Crisis